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Dairy Jr. Showmanship

Date: Sept 16, 2023
Time: 1:00 PM
Showmanship involves the showman being judged on his or her knowledge and presentation of their animal in the ring. Questions could be asked by the judge regarding the birthdate, breed, sire or dam of the animal, the animal's pedigree, what the animal gets fed, when the animal is due to calf, or anything else that the judge wants to know about the animal, so the showman should be prepared to answer questions when asked. The heifers are shown in a clockwise circle with the showman walking backwards, and keeping his or her eye on the judge at all times while leading the animal. The animal should be led from their left side, and maintain a slow but steady pace. When the judge signals to stop, the animal should be set up, and the showman should be at an angle facing the animal. The three ring practices are parading around the ring, side-by-side lineup, and nose-to-tail lineup. Showmanship is sometimes judged at the same time the animals are being judged, and other times it is before or after the regular classes. Showmanship is separated by the age of the showman, rather than the age of the animal like the regular classes are. In this class, it does not matter how good or bad the quality of the animal is, but instead it matters how the showman can control the animal, how they prepared the animal for the show, how much knowledge they know about dairy cattle and their specific animal, as well as how they present themselves while in the show ring. White pants and shirt are worn in junior shows. The showman should maintain a pleasant posture and expression when looking at the judge.
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