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Swine Show

Date: Sept 10, 2023
Time: 12:15 PM
Shed 1 - A class of swine may be more difficult to judge than other species of livestock because the four animals are often loose in a pen. Each of the animals will be identified by a number on its back. Since the animals are moving around in the pen and you are judging them as they move, you must see each of them accurately and compare them. This task is easier if someone moves the animals around the pen while you stand back and watch them. Don’t get in or look from above until you have thoroughly viewed them from a distance. Examine each pig individually. Set your sights on one pig. Thoroughly evaluate him in comparison to your ideal pig, noting his strengths and weaknesses. Examine his topline, back, loin, ham and rump as seen from the side. Note the set of the feet and legs. Study his conformation from the rear. Move on to your next pig and repeat.
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